People may be surprised to know but many people suddenly wake up in the middle of the night, about 2 or 3 am. If such awakening occurs, it is not an isolated incident. Many individuals report unexplained sleep interruptions, leading to anxiety and disappointment the next morning. Although stress or a random dream may easily be blamed, the real cause of this sleep disorder may be surprised. A series of hidden elements, including hormonal imbalance, lifestyle habits and even stressful reactions of the body, can contribute to the problem. This is all you need to know about this strange phenomenon.
Cortisol is often called “stressful hormone”, playing an important role in our sleep awakening cycle. In normal cases, the cortisol level peaks in the early morning to help us wake up and gradually decline throughout the day, reaching the lowest point in the night. However, Cortisol level increasesDue to stress or anxiety, this natural rhythm can lead to awakening at night. Reducing stress and adding relaxation techniques before bed can help adjust cortisol levels and promote uninterrupted sleep.
Hormone imbalance
Hormonal fluctuations, especially during menopause, can significantly affect sleep types. Many women experience sweating at night and hot rays, leading to regular awakening around 3 am. Solving these hormonal imbalance through appropriate therapies and revising lifestyles can improve sleep quality in this transition period. ![<p> Zinc is essential to balance brain chemicals like serotonin and dopamine. Low level is associated with anxiety, discomfort and depression. If you experience unexplained mood changes, feeling sad or frequent stress, your body may need more zinc. </p>
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Zinc is essential to balance brain chemicals such as serotonin and dopamine. Low level is associated with anxiety, discomfort and depression. If you experience unexplained mood changes, feeling sad or stressed regularly, your body may need more zinc.
Worry and wake up at night
Worry not to comply with a strict schedule and can manifest in the night, leading to sudden awakening. Quiet and lack of trouble at night can make thoughts more obvious, causing sleep disorders. Participate in relaxing techniques, such as deep breathing or meditation before going to bed, which can help soothe the mind and reduce awakening at night.
Lifestyle factors
Some evening habits can accidentally contribute to awakening at night. The choice is to consume heavy or spicy meals, caffeine or alcohol close to bedtime that can interrupt sleep. These substances can lead to indigestion or increase alertness, making the sleep that is not interrupted. Limiting the time on the screen in the evening can promote better sleep quality.
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Biological arrhythmia
Our body works on a biological rhythm, a 24 -hour clock adjusting the sleep cycle. The interruption of this rhythm, such as what is caused by the change or uneven sleep schedule, can lead to awakening at night. Maintain a suitable sleep schedule And creating a beneficial sleeping environment can help reorganize the biological rhythm and reduce awakening.