More screen time in U.S. preteens linked to bipolar and manic symptoms, says study |

If you are a parent of children in teenagers, observe the time on their screen. How much time do they spend almost from social media, video games, texting and watching videos? A new study found that the United States, who spent more time on the screen, is more likely to develop symptoms of manic two years later. New research has been published in Social psychology and psychiatric epidemiology. The study found that children from 10 and 11 years old, often on devices showed a higher risk of symptoms such as increased self-esteem, reduced sleep demand, distracting, quick words, racing thoughts and impulsive acts of emotional batches, a major feature of development. Given that the beginning of the symptoms earlier is linked to more serious and more chronic results, it is important to understand what can contribute to the onset or deteriorate the symptoms in teenagers, Jason Jason Nagata, MD, the first author and the associate professor of the University of California, San Francisco. Symptoms of social media and video games, including not being able to stop despite trying, withdrawing money, tolerance, conflict and relapse, can play a role. Screens addiction and irregular sleep models can worsen the symptoms of the teenagers who are easily affected, according to NAG Nagata. The previous studies have warned about the relationship between the use of screen and poor Mental health In teenagers. For recent research, scientists have used data from brain cognitive development research (ABCD) nationwide, this is the largest long -term research on brain development in the United States. This study emphasized the importance of nurturing the habit of using a healthy screen early. Future research can help us better understand the behaviors and brain mechanisms linking the use of the screen with symptoms to help notify prevention and intervention efforts, co -author of Kyle Ganson, PhD, Assistant Professor at the Department of Social Work of Toronto University. For research, researchers collected data from 9,243 teenagers early from 10 to 11. Participants provided information about their typical screen habits, as well as whether they encounter symptoms of manic or hypomanic.

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Although the time on the screen may have important benefits such as education and socialization, parents should be aware of potential risks, especially for mental health. Families can develop a communication plan that may include no screen before going to bed, Nag Nagata noted. (Polite pic: iStock)

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