Meditation: How to meditate for 5 minutes daily |

With the echo of responsibility and the surrounding you, you need to spend some time to nourish and nourish your soul. The better way to do this rather than meditation for a while? Many people believe that meditation cannot be done in just five minutes. Although this is true to one level, you can still achieve calm, concentration and positive energy in a short practice. Here are a few ways to meditate less than 5 minutes:

Early bird meditation

To set up the course of the day, start meditation early in the morning, right after you wake up or before going to bed, when the world is silent. In the first minute, sitting comfortably and simply deep breathing. Put your hand on your stomach if you like. With each inhalation, imagine pure positive into your body, and with each exhalation, the negative feeling makes you. Feel your mind and body stable.

Meditation technique

According to Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj, a spiritual master, founder, Vishwa Jagriti Mission, to start this, listen to an om Om or a humorous vibration to deepen your calm feeling and create internal waves. To enhance this experience, you can play a soft music in the background to immerse yourself in vibration. If playing music is impossible, turn your focus to the noises around you. Listen to these sounds without judgment or attachment. Simply observe them when they arrive and go like going through the clouds. This will help you remain presence and have bases at this time.

Say affirmation with the breath

In order to get the trend to say affirmations, along with nurturing your soul, silently assert myself with positive statements: I am very strong, I have welcomed my abundance, I have shaped my own fate. Finally, take the last minute to visualize your goals and appreciate your progress. Repeating the practice of this five minutes will gently guide you on deeper peace.FGT (2)

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Cognitive technique of meditation

According to Vivek Kashyap, meditation expert, brand communication collaborator, Hestabit, in a quiet and comfortable space, sitting straight with your eyes gently closed or focused gently. Take a few deep breaths, allowing your mind and body to calm down with each exhalation. Feel the melting tension when you stabilize the tranquility. Start by scanning your body, transferring your awareness from the crown of the tip to your toe. With each exhalation, consciously releasing all stress, so that your body can completely relax at the present time.

Natural rhythmic meditation

Move your attention to your breath, observe its natural rhythm without trying to control it. Pay attention to the feeling of the air penetration and leave your body. When your mind wanders, gently guide it back to your breath. This practice nourishes mindfulness, helps you into the present and bring clarity to your thoughts and emotions.

Count the blessing

When your session is about to complete, take some time to ponder the three blessings in your life. Let gratitude fill your heart, nourish the feeling of satisfaction and joy. Conclusion by establishing a positive intention for the date and empowering your actions for the purpose and mindfulness. Practicing this in just five minutes a day can deeply change your life, reduce stress and anxiety, focus on strengthening, and increase self -awareness and compassion. Catch this simple but powerful ritual to transmit your day with calm and clear. Meditation, even in just 5 minutes, can help you achieve a calm and serene life in the middle of the hustle and bustle.

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Only 5 minutes a day to become your funniest version #SADHGURU

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