Experts claim patience isn’t a virtue, but a coping mechanism |

We all have heard, oh oh, I admire your patience, or why you can’t show your patience? At some points in our lives. Patience is often considered a foundation for moral behavior, and expanding autonomy, perseverance and emotional intelligence. But is that really the virtue that we have been taught to believe it is? Scientists, however, observed patience as a coping mechanism. Studies show that patience may not come from a highly ethical land, but from the ability to adapt and regulate our brain’s emotions in challenging situations. Cambridge Dictionary. However, patience is always a kind I know when I see it concept, and psychologist of UC Riverside Kate Sweeny, want to understand its meaning, in a more systematic and scientific way. R3

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Philosophers and religious scholars call patience a virtue, but most people think that it is impatient. That makes me wonder if perhaps the patience is less about becoming a good and more about how we deal with daily disappointment, Mr. Sweeny said in a release. Sweeny sought to establish a more accurate understanding of her patience and impatience. In the article “When time is an enemy: an initial test of the process model of patiencePublished in the journal of social and psychological psychology, Sweeny tried to determine impatience and patience. R2

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In three studies on 1200 people, she concluded that impatience is the emotion that people feel when they face the delay that seems unfair, unreasonable or inappropriate. For example, a traffic jam outside the peak hour, or a meeting should end 15 minutes ago. She also came to the conclusion that patience, thus, is the way we deal with those impatient feelings.

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Psychologists use the term ’emotional rules’ to explain the strategies that people use to reduce or sometimes increase their emotional intensity. Sweeny, on the other hand, note that patience is the child’s gathering of these strategies especially aimed at the feeling of impatience.

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Research participants are required to think about their reactions in different frustrated situations from everyday life. While people describe a traffic jam, another meeting describes a long and boring meeting. A few others imagined being trapped in the waiting room. The participants were later asked to answer how impatient they would feel in each situation and whether they practiced strategies such as distracting, deep breathing or seeing the positive aspects of the situation, to combat this impatience.R1

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The discovery revealed that the three scenarios create a ‘perfect storm’ for impatience is when the shares are relatively high when the waiting state is uncomfortable and when someone clearly blames the delay. The impatience increases when the delay is longer than expected. Although almost everyone involved in studies showed a bit of impatience in frustrated situations, some others were more patient than others. These people are more relaxed with more emotional ending and emotional situations (that is, the demand for closing and low nerves) and declares that they will not feel too impatient in such scenarios. People with emotional skills and better in self -adjusting say they will react more patiently, even if they feel impatient. Our initial findings support many of our ideas about patience and impatience. We still have a lot to learn, but our approach is quite promising to help people manage the feeling of impatience and eventually becoming more patient in their daily lives, Mr. Sweeny added. (Polite pic: iStock)

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