When dealing with a difficult day at home or at work, sometimes feel low or sad. But this is not like depression. Not happy and depressed are two words that are often used by people instead of each other. In fact, depression is a much more serious condition and may have a long -term effect on your mental and physical health. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), depression is the main cause of disability worldwide and India is one of the most depressed countries in all. Most people do not seek help due to social town or lack of knowledge, can create their condition even worse. What is depression? Depression is described as a mood disorder with a sense of sadness, loneliness and persistent interest. It is a long -term issue, triggered by any events that change lives such as losing relatives or losing jobs. It can last from a few weeks to five. Experts in this field have not fully understood the cause of depression, but it is likely that it is activated by the combination of factors: genetic characteristics in the elements of the god of the god. The brain of some common symptoms of depression that you have to seek: The persistent sadness over time is part of normal life. But experiencing a depressed mood for more than two consecutive weeks may be a sign of depression. A person with depression can often feel sad or cry often. They often feel some types of emptiness. Children and the elderly seem more uncomfortable than sad. Losing interest in the second most common symptom is losing interest or joy in what you used to. In terms of health, this situation is also called anhedonia. During this period, people often withdraw from the activities they have ever expected in the past, sports, hobbies or hanging out with friends. They can also lose interest in sex. Fatigue and excessive sleep seems to be the best way to escape the problem for people with depression. They often feel too tired and lazy due to excessive feeling, so they sleep a lot. In some cases, depression can lead to insomnia and restlessness at night. This can even work in two ways- a person who starts to eat a lot or just loses interest in preparing food or may not feel hungry at all. People with depression do not eat more or less intentionally, they just feel that they do not eat or may feel very passionate. Anxiety and depression are often linked together. Serious worries can often make room for depression. The suspense, restlessness, dangerous feeling, fast heartbeat, fast breathing, trembling or muscle convulsions are some common signs of anxiety. The emotion does not control the mood change, in which one minute the person who feels happy and jubilant then they outbreak in anger may be a sign of mental disorders. People feel depressed often experience drastic mood changes without any specific reason. The premature feeling can change the way you see the world. You can start to find yourself not attractive and invaluable. The sense of sin, failure and trouble in the past can add anxiety. Even small mistakes can make you feel worthless or create a sense of self -respect. People with depression often realize that they are struggling to think clearly and focus. This symptom of depression is more common in the elderly. Treatment of internal organs is a mental disorder that can be easily treated with cognitive behavior, medicine and family support. Drugs to treat depression should only be done according to the recommendation of the doctor. Some drugs spend time showing positive results in the mood and behavior, but you should never stop using depression suddenly because it can lead to recurrence. Antidepressants may have some strange side effects in some people such as nausea, constipation, diarrhea, low blood sugar, weight loss and skin rash. The risk of long -term depression, if not treated, is sometimes even connected to suicide. People who died from suicide did not want to end their lives, just want to end the pain. These people show symptoms or signs before making drastic steps. You need to pay attention to those around you and seek these signs of suicide: Talk about death: Some people talk openly about death or want to end their lives. They may deliberately focus on the theme of death and death. Planning: People can even take steps to prepare for death as researching to suicide or buy guns, knives or drugs, update wills, give away things and say goodbye. with others. Handling themselves from others: those who commit suicide began to withdraw themselves from social events and family functions. They can start avoiding friends and family. Change mood and sleeping model: their mood can change dramatically over time. Sometimes they seem jubilant and other time seems depressed, worried, sad or angry. They may also find it difficult to sleep. You can drink more alcohol or use drugs: abuse of addictive substances and too much alcoholic drinks are also common in people who feel suicide. Carrying officials: People with suicide thoughts can also act in a reckless and dangerous way such as driving when drunk. This is how you can help another conversation is the best way to prevent suicide. If you suspect that someone from your family or friends is considering ending their lives, these are a few things you can do: listen to what they say, without judging or screaming feels. Contact them to support and encourage them to seek help