7 challenging mindfulness puzzles. Can you solve it?

“Images have many elements where you need to find something that is one of many types of puzzles. Show them more often to children – they help develop attention and concentration.

We found 3 interesting puzzle paintings for you, created by Hungarian artist Gergely Dudás. His visually complex puzzles don’t always attract the attention of adults! Test yourself and see how quickly you can handle this challenge.

1. Hide your heart

A heart hidden among snails. Do you recognize it?

2. Pigs don’t wear hats

During this celebration, some pigs wear hats on their heads, but not all. Look for pigs without hats. Hint: there are three of them.

3. Caterpillars

Caterpillars are hidden in this drawing. Hint: there are four of them. Can you find them all? Take time for yourself while you do it.

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