Over the past eight months (and the rest) have been unprecedented and challenged in many ways. Fear of catching Covid, health problems, stress, interruption, social isolation are very bulky. The locking also forced many people to lose their jobs, work longer in the way they are not used to, away from friends, family and life in a different way. While many quarantine measures are given to protect our health, the locking brings a global crisis for everyone’s mental health. More and more people reported stress, experiencing Blues music and having difficulty maintaining their mental health in the pandemic era. Google searched for mental health in recent months. While Elderlies feel the most lonely in the courseThe mental lock on Millennials and Gen Z, according to a new study for a recent global health survey conducted by the International Labor Organization (ILO), one of the two young people is susceptible. Symptoms of anxiety and depression, with more than 17% suffering from the effects of Covid-10. Researching the findings of the survey published in a reported report, ‘Youth and Covid-19: impact on employment, education, rights and mental health’. For the survey, more than 12,000 response has received 112 countries, with a large proportion from educated young people and people with Internet access. The survey involves individuals aged 18-29 such as jobs, education, mental health and social health. Participating in the survey reports, individuals have recorded more than one cause of mental health problems. To experience anxiety. Monthly pandemic ensures that from schools, colleges, workplaces and entertainment centers, everything has been closed. Many students have been left in the weaving frame related to their higher education and have to deal with the dangers of online classes and exams. For people in their 20s and 30s, crisis work, additional losses to worries. Working at home, long working time, along with additional responsibility also causes many people to go through exhausted symptoms, a serious mental health crisis of young students preparing for great education. Learning, studying far away has been bulky. According to the report, a large number of 65% of young people have learned less since the beginning of the pandemic because of the transition from the class to online education. And at least 9% said they were afraid of ‘failing’ in their exams, which made them go through mental stress. The report also determines the exact difference between men and women. It has been observed that mental health is a low point in young women and moreover, people aged 18-24. Analysis, ILO research shows that if challenges are not solved, the world may face even after the pandemic ends, this may affect the quality of life and may continue to worsen. Factors contribute to good.