Wellness coach Karthika Nair talks about beating the lockdown blues

Health Care Karthika Nair helps you wade through the tension of Covid-19 and live completely by following certain basic principles to stay away from the negative in the pandemic.

Impermanent law

Understanding the impermanence and knowing that it is happening to help people move focusing on construction life rather than emphasizing the present. Karthika said: “The law says nothing exists forever and this will be through. Knowing that this pandemic is not permanent and will surpass what people should focus on.”

Legal solution

“Understanding this law helps us to become a solution and focus on the issues,” she added. Karthika urged people to ask questions about their negative thoughts and understand that emotions will help reduce their minds. Always remember that all problems have infinite solutions.

Practice mindfulness

Talking about the importance of mindfulness, Karthika emphasized the need to learn about reality and practice it. “The present life is extremely important and that is how important mindfulness is. It is your superpower. Having the same knowledge, understanding and practicing it. Thinking fear.

Shake up and smash your habit …

To get closer to your goals, you need to completely shake and break your habits. And, a great habit includes waking up early, the first hour of your day should start with your asserting and visualizing your day. Take responsibility for your day and start acting on your key goals, learning new skills. Also, participate in some physical activities and turn that into part of your daily habits. These practice will help you take responsibility and train your brain to become positive.

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