Isolation may be the “new normal” long after the pandemic gets over; why it may be a dangerous trend

I really didn’t walk out of the house for three months, in the most honest sense. I received my grocery stores and medical supplies delivered and took my vitamin D doses from the balcony. I was not accurate against society before the pandemic, but my social battery was much faster than others. I did not attend any birthday party or wedding celebration (and not participating in the shopping center or film) in the past 3 months and I felt that I was no longer able to interact with people anymore. . I was also worried but also relieved because I don’t have to dress and try to organize conversations anymore. It was scary, but I simply didn’t want to return to social habits in front of the pass. All can agree with the fact that the pandemic has changed the way we use to interact with the surrounding world, in more ways. With social separation and isolation are new standards of survival during the infection, people around the globe are in their home, as much as possible. We are afraid of the simple scene of another person in our vicinity, not to mention the muttering ‘bless you’ when someone sneezes or coughs. We gave the mask and face the shields like our armor in the battle. We bring Aerosol disinfectant and disinfectant like our weapons — ready to spitz and spray invisible enemies. A few months ago, we were almost enthusiastic and hopeful about the time when everything would come back to normal that we got used to. 7 months on the road, most people were imprisoned in the walls of their home and shared the memories thrown back on Instagram. We, people, are adaptive creatures, and therefore, like, we have adapted to spending less than part of the time outside the house. We are watching and sin stumbling at the same time. We are more and more comfortable with the idea of ​​spending all day in our home, so that it can become scary. It was scary because when the last day came when the restrictions were removed, the centers sold the end of the season, the theater began to have the latest issuance and the Swings in Children Park returned again again. – We may not want to step out anymore. Although alone, you can provide you with a bigger view of your own emotions and can even reduce the need for constant confirmation, it also deprives us from one of the nature of What makes us create our social interactions. In addition, the extended amount of isolation can also activate the feeling of anxiety and depression in people with vulnerable mental health. This is exactly why we need to connect people and find new methods to connect to our circle or group, especially during these testing periods. Although physical distance continues to be a regular standard for an unforeseen future, one can always use social media platforms, calling and calling videos to solve loneliness. . Even if you have started to feel extremely comfortable in your cocoon, you may have to remind yourself that you always need your tribe to you, so if you are living alone in a pandemic. . Although technology may not be able to regenerate the warmth of a hug or antidepressant as the action of the coffee day with your best friends, this is definitely the best thing next right now. hour. So, take the first step and just need to give a little hello to the people you care about, but did not talk for a month or longer. No one asks you to participate in zooming calls with family members expanding immediately, but spend some time to talk to the people you nearest should be the goal. In the end, we are all together and we will come out together. Remember, we fought a pandemic, don’t create another person in loneliness.

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